echocardiography analysis
13 de July de 2022

Echocardiography analysis with Ligence Heart

Do you know the new tool for the analysis of echocardiography incorporated into our solutions for medical diagnostics?

Already part of our artificial intelligence marketplace for medicine, Ligence Heart offers multiple benefits to cardiologists who rely on ultrasound for heart analysis.

Automation of echocardiography analysis

The first thing to say about the benefits of Ligence Heart for analysing echocardiography is that cardiologists spend a lot of their time measuring and reporting. With the help of AI, they can focus their attention on more strategic points in the patient assessment.

Ligence Heart

Ligence Heart is a software for cardiac ultrasound analysis of adult patients in sinus rhythm and it is designed to improve clinical workflow on a day-to-day basis. Among the pathologies it is able to detect are systolic dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension and heart failure.

Thanks to its multiple functions, it can automatically segment and measure the anatomical structures of the heart. Of course, the doctor can make the necessary adjustments depending on the case and the results he is expecting to obtain, but he will save time when making these measurements thanks to the support of artificial intelligence.

In addition, the tool itself will generate reports in the local language with all the information obtained from the echocardiography so that the cardiologist can devote his or her time to making decisions regarding the patient’s treatment.

Reliable and intuitive

One point to highlight when talking about Ligence Heart is the accuracy of the results. There is no variability in the measurements and the accuracy is equal to that of a cardiologist, so that the results can be relied upon for diagnosis.

In addition, the software is characterised by its ease of use. Even if the healthcare professional is not yet accustomed to using such tools, he or she will become an expert with little practice thanks to its intuitive interface, as well as the simplicity of reporting and the fact that no manual tracing is required on the medical image.

In addition, the software integrates with other software so that it complements and becomes part of the healthcare ecosystem.