Identification of atrophic VOIs in T1-MRI

Identification of atrophic VOIs

Algorithm designed for diagnostic assistance in volumetric image analysis T1-MRI

QUBIOTECH has developed a tool to identify atrophic VOIs in the early stages of the diseases thanks to one of the most extensive normal databases on the market, which is also stratified by age. The analysis is done thanks to the segmentation of the brain into different tissues, diving each into clinically relevant volumes of interest. It then provides quantitative information of the gray and white matter atrophies of the different VOIs, the extraction of Z-scores and deviations from normality using the normal base, all based on a voxel-based morphometrics analysis.

Applications and diseases

This tool is useful for helping in radiology to obtain segmentation of all brain areas, assist in visual analysis, confirm the findings and improve reports with quantitative information. It is also useful for neurological support, allowing an objective and personalized treatment and monitoring the disease.

Detectable pathologies


Segmentation of the brain into different tissues, dividing each into clinically relevant volumes of interest.
Quantification of gray matter and white matter atrophies of the different VOIs.
Analysis voxel-based morphometric for easy interpretation of results with visual information, and detailed analysis using our online viewer.


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